OOPSLA'2000 Conference

Introducing Patterns (or any new idea) into Organizations

Call for Participation

DEADLINE for SUBMISSION: September 10, 2000

Mary Lynn Manns, University of North Carolina at Asheville
Alan O'Callaghan, De Montfort University
Linda Rising, Consultant and Editor of The Patterns Handbook

If you have used and/or written patterns, you are most likely aware that this literary form, and its corresponding process and community support, is providing potential for capturing best practices and communicating them between people in organizations and throughout the software industry. However, it is also quite likely that you have experienced some difficulty convincing others in your organization of this potential.

The spark for patterns (or any new idea) in an organization most often begins with one or more enlightened individuals who has heard about or used patterns (or another new idea) and is intrigued over the potential. It then becomes the task of these individuals to enlighten the rest of the organization. It is likely to be an easier undertaking if one has an understanding of the problems that may be encountered along the way and what can be done to address these problems.

Work towards documenting these problems and solutions in the form of patterns was begun by David DeLano and Linda Rising of AG Communication Systems in Arizona during their Introducing Patterns into the Workplace workshop at OOPSLA'96. The patterns were later expanded to Introducing Technology into the Workplace. In 1998, Mary Lynn Manns began introducing patterns into organizations, and holding "introducing patterns" workshops at various conferences. She documented her observations in the form of patterns, and this collection was workshopped at PLoP'99. This past March, at the ChiliPLoP'2000 conference, Rising and Manns worked with others to combine their two collections of patterns into a fledging language currently titled Evolving a Patterns Culture.

During this OOPSLA'2000 workshop, participants will discuss experiences introducing patterns (or any new idea or technology) into an organization. The goal is to draft solutions to the challenges in the form of additional patterns for the Evolving a Patterns Culture language.

What will we do?

This workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to:

What will need to be done before the session?

Participants will need to complete three tasks prior to the session:

What will be produced during the session?

It is anticipated that the deliverables from this session will include:

Who should participate?

This session is for all those who have attempted to convince others of the value of patterns (or any innovation). We hope to attract individuals who have struggled with introducing and sustaining interest in patterns in an organization. However, those who are expected to face this task in the near future, and can share their experiences introducing other kinds of new ideas into an organization, are also welcome.

Who will lead this session?

Mary Lynn Manns is on the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. She also teaches patterns in industry and has experience introducing them into organizations. During the past year, she has studied the issues in introducing and sustaining patterns in organizations and is leading the effort to build a pattern language to help those who are facing this task.

Alan O'Callaghan is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher at De Montfort University in its Software Technologies Research Laboratory. Through contract research with industrial concerns, and through industry-based consultancy, he has developed the ADAPTOR pattern language for migrating large-scale business systems to Object Technology.

Linda Rising is well known throughout the patterns community as the editor of The Patterns Handbook. She was among those who led the introduction of patterns into AG Communication Systems in Phoenix Arizona, and has worked with others to capture these experiences in the Introducing Technology into the Workplace patterns.

How do I apply?

Submit the following two things to Mary Lynn Manns:

  1. a short description of yourself, including your experience with patterns, introducing patterns into an organization, and/or introducing any innovation to an organization
  2. one or more pattern drafts (See What will need to be done before the session?)
Submissions must be in the form of a URL that can be linked to this web page.
Thank you.